First Learning Teaching Training 23rd-29th of January 2022 Becilla de Valderaduey-Spain
Agenda of the meeting:
Arrival Day Sunday 23rd of January 2022
Settling of the visitors in their hotel rooms
Distribution of the project files, includingall the information concerning the meeting, a map of the city etc.
Brief informative notice of the schedule of the meeting as a whole Arrangements for their transfer to the school the following day
Day 1 Monday 24th of January 2022
Opening ceremony, presentation of their school, town and country.
Why we should integrate games into lessons?
Videos of sample lessons
Presentation of a lesson plan with games.
Introduction of web2 tools
Digitwh iz
Day 2 Tuesday 25th of January 2022
Observation of classes who are using these tools
Workshop about how to use these web2 tools
Presentation of integrating of these tools into Maths, English, Science, Social Science and Foreign Language classes
Workshop of i nteg ration, working on computers and tablets.
Day 3 Wednesday 26th of January 2022
Observing the lessons of another school using these tools.
Workshop with students using these tools.
Writing a daily lesson plan of 4 subjects: Maths, Science, Social Scienceand Foreign Languages.
Forming a discussion environment: sharing and evaluation of lesson plans
Cultural trip to Valladolid
Day 4 Thursday 27th of January 2022
Introduction of outcomes of the activity.
Introduction of poster making (canva) and logo making (wordart) tools
Workshop of S posters making (maths, science, social science and foreign languages and Spain)
Logo making
How to make an outline summary of a lesson usi ng posters and logos
-Evaluation of why we should Integrate games into subjects
What skills do we find out in students with gamification? (Everybody writes it on padlets and then will compare it when they integrate the games, and get feedback from the students)
Day 5 Friday 28th of January 2022
Leaflet (Flyer) of the project will be introduced and necessary corrections and editing will be done by the partners.
Cultural trip to Madrid
Departure day Saturday 29th of January 2022
07.00: Visitors take their breakfast at the hotel
Departures at different times
Disemination links: